Pictures of pilgrims
Pictures of pilgrims

pictures of pilgrims

Using wagons and handcarts to cover what is now the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Tral, they crossed 1,300 miles (2,092 kilometers) of rough terrain.

pictures of pilgrims

In 1846, more than 70,000 Mormons, driven by a wish to find somewhere they could follow their creed in peace, traveled west from Nauvoo, Illinois, to Salt Lake City, Utah. See embroidered scenes from his life on a 500-year-old robe displayed in the cathedral museum. Wawel Hill features a 14th-century cathedral with 19 chapels and an ornate cluster of tombs, including one of Poland's patron, St. He arduously translated the Bible into Setswana, printing it on a press still in use at the mission. Robert Moffat set up his thatched-roof “Cathedral of the Kalahari,” aiming to convert the locals to Christianity. Moffat Mission, Northern Cape, South Africa But other associated sites require less effort, such as the Northern Irish town of Downpatrick, which houses the saint's grave and a museum exhibition on his life and legacy. Patrick's steps, you can either retreat to the island of Lough Derg, or climb-barefoot is the custom-Croagh Patrick. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech-is surely one of the most stirring orations ever delivered. More than 250,000 joined the rally between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, some having traveled up from the Deep South. Photos of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom show a sea of people flooding the National Mall and enjoying the festive mood. March for Jobs and Freedom, Washington, D.C. Leading from Perg or Aspendos to Antioch, the route forges past fragrant pine forests and mirage-like lakes.

pictures of pilgrims

This rugged 310-mile (500-kilometer) trail partly follows St. Today, the tree (a descendant of the original) and the nearby pyramid-shaped Mahabodhi Temple are among Buddhism's holiest sites. The spiritual hub of Buddhism is India's Bodh Gaya, whose famous fig tree was said to have sheltered Siddhartha Guatama as he meditated for seven days during his quest for enlightenment.

Pictures of pilgrims