Blackmagic disk speed test does not stop
Blackmagic disk speed test does not stop

blackmagic disk speed test does not stop

With USB 2.0, it equally divided the speed across all devices, regardless of the type. Logitech unifying wireless connector: 20MBpsįor a total of 60.

blackmagic disk speed test does not stop

Now maybe USB 3.0 has changed it to a better QOS, but I haven’t looked this up. Status of backup: If you just dumped 1TB on your 4TB drives & started testing for speed right after you completed that transfer, your speed will be slow because Drobo is commandeering the speed to build the backup on your second drive.Ģ.4GHz wifi: Very unlikely, but if you were like me & had the drobo right next to your router & run the usb cable right by the 2.4GHz antennas, you’ll see a speed impact unless the cables are well shielded. The two interfere with each other.ĭying drive: If your drive has not died yet but is on its way out…the Drobo should start correcting the faulted data using the backup…this takes speed. I think I’m actually in this bucket as I have 5 drives, 2 are backups, & a few of my files (even large) are READING at 3MBps. I don’t know which drive is bad, but I’m backing up & will rebuild the Drobo in a few days.įragmentation: I don’t know how susceptible the Drobo is on this, but fragmentation on a spinning drive has a massive impact on read/write. Testing random speeds: Uncached random read/write tests should be really slow on both SSDs & traditional Hard disks. On order of as low as a few hundred KBps. If you’re not in any of the above situations, you could pull a diagnostics log & send it to drobo to see if there are any other issues. Hi just to add some more info to the info from trebuin,Īs far as i remember, 2 drives can actually be the fastest in some cases, with a slight drop in speed as more drives are added.įor points 4) and 7) above, there is an optimisation process, which address these, as well as a space reclamation process (which usually happens after lots of data is deleted). (it is known as scrubbing, but i think verifying is a better description) and also on a monthly basis or so, there will be an extra data integrity process that runs in the background to verify all the blocks. If you are trying speed tests (from a fun perspective of getting some stats for your drobo) that is cool in itself though if you wait a bit to let things settle down and finish optimising, and then to try again, you might get better results… (as you can see, i think i was happy enough with the speeds of the 5D that i didnt do a speed test) (if you check my sig below, there is some stats about some of my drobos there in case useful) … then again, if you are happy with how things are working, and you are able to do the things you wish, then the stats probably dont really matter that much. though for you, after your backups are complete, it might be worth checking dashboard and clicking on each of your drives to bring up the drop down menu for individual drive health, just in case one of your drives has a “warning” of "healed message label next to it?) (btw trebuin thats good to know about point 5), i wasnt aware of that. As it turns out, last night I was watching the last bit of the backup completing (3TB is a lot) & I got a pop-up message stating that a drive was successfully rebuilt. I brought up that & it changed from every drive being good to one of them now showing a warning. I just pulled it & am using DriveDx to check the SMART now to see what happened.



  • Blackmagic disk speed test does not stop